A friend at work simplified it in one fell-swoop. “It’s because cannibalism is the ultimate taboo.” I think that is true to a certain extent, but it doesn’t explain all of it.
Last week, we started our discussion by working on a definition of spirituality, what does it mean to be spiritual? We also talked about soul and afterlife. This matters because the philosophical essay we'd just read was about the "Badness of Undeath." Meaning, why is being dead better than being undead. Obviously, if you believe in heaven, you want to be there, enjoying your death in a new pleasant form of existence. Being undead means that you are just back here again as this unthinking, falling apart, rotting body that shambles around trying to eat people.
There are a lot of theological problems associated with becoming undead.
We also explored the idea that zombies function in two ways: as metaphor and as plot device to advance a message. Metaphor = science gone wrong. Plot device for we can’t trust the government not to kill or damage us with their chemicals, vaccines etc. therefore government = bad.
I think our fascination points to things even bigger. Fear of death, uncertainty of afterlife, ambiguous messages about soul, refusal to think for ourselves about these things, the idea that it doesn't matter what I've done or been in this life I might still be a brain-eating zombie. I don’t know for sure, but I know that it leads to me to think about things worse than death, and the poem by Sharon Olds Things That Are Worse Than Death
If you can't think of anything, ask the next zombie or vampire you meet.
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